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Selectmen Minutes February 9, 2004
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, February 9, 2004 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: James M. Hardy, Chairman; Eric W. Greene, Clerk; David L. Walsh
George Samia, Interim Executive Secretary
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Town Administrator Search Committee members, Ryon Pratt, Theresa McNulty, Steve Brown, Bernard Smith and David Walsh met with the Board. Chief Pratt read the following report of the Search Committee:
RE: Town Administrator Search Committee Report
Dear Members:
Per your request, the Town Administrator Search Committee has completed its work of screening applicants for the position of East Bridgewater Town Administrator.
The Committee received 41 resumes for the position. After Careful review and debate we selected ten for interviews. Upon completion of interviews and deliberation the Committee selected three final candidates to forward to you for further action.
This Committee recognized the importance of this process to the Town and was committed to completing our task in a timely, efficient and deliberate manner. I feel this was accomplished. Each member brought significant experience, professionalism and integrity to the process. I am proud to have served with them.
Also please find enclosed a document created by the Committee that was given to each candidate interviewed. This document outlines the understandings of the Committee relative to the position of Town Administrator in East Bridgewater and our understanding as to the Board of Selectmen’s anticipated plan of implementation of the position.
After much discussion and deliberation, by a vote of the Committee, we respectfull submit to you the following candidates alphabetically, but otherwise in no specific order, as finalists for the position of Town Administrator.
John Dolan
PO Box 373
Westport Point, MA 02791-0373
Dennis F. Luttrell
25 Rocky Knook Lane
Marion, MA
George G. Samia
8 Crest Drive
Middleboro, Ma 02346
On behalf of the Town Administrator Search Committee we would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve the Town in this most important process. The members of the Committee look forward to working with the successful candidate.
Ryon T. Pratt, Chairman
Town Administrator Search Committee
Board of Selectmen -2- February 9, 2004
Chief Pratt noted that the Committee appreciated the Departments and Committees, which took the time to attend their meeting and discuss their ideas regarding the position.
Mr. Hardy thanked the Committee for all their work; noted that the Board will do their best to continue and finish the process in a timely manner.
Mr. Walsh stated that the Committee had plenty of debate during their meetings; noted that all members were active and gave 110% to the process.
Mr. Greene congratulated the Committee on their work.
Mr. Hardy stated that he would like to schedule potential interviews with the three finalists on either February 19 in the evening or February 20 in the afternoon. Mr. Hardy stated that he would call the finalists and set up the appointments.
M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the February 2, 2004 meeting.
Public Hearing
Mr. Greene read the following Public Hearing Notice:
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the requirements of M.G.L. Chap. 138, a Public
Hearing will be held relative to the Application for Transfer of a Package Store – all Alcoholic License and Change of Location, as follows:
From: Stop & Go Beer & Wine, Inc. dba Town & Country Liquors
Stephen T. Sheridan, Manager
Premises: 516 North Bedford Street
To: Virge Enterprises, Inc. dba The Grapevine & Spirits
Virginia Lanphear, Manager
Premises: 685 North Bedford Street
Premises consists of 1st floor; front entrance and exit. Door in rear for deliveries. First floor will contain retail store in front and back room for storage and empties.
A Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, First Floor Conference Room, 175 Central Street, East Bridgewater on Monday, February 9, 2004 at 7:45 p.m.
Mr. Hardy opened the Hearing at 7:45 p.m.
Present for the hearing were Elizabeth Lanphear and Stephen Sheridan.
Mrs. Lanphear explained her background in retail sales; will have experienced help in the store; will be on site most of the time; plans to have at least two persons on site at all times. Has spoken to Det. Shaw and will be either doing the TIP program or the liquor sales program. Will install a 4X8 sign on building and replace sign out front with a new backlit sign.
Mr. Hardy closed hearing.
M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Transfer of the Package Store – All Alcoholic License and Change of Location from Stop & Go Beer & Wine, Inc. dba Town & Country Liquors, Premises: 516 North Bedford Street to Virge Enterprises, Inc. dba The Grapevine & Spirits, Premises: 685 North Bedford Street.
Board of Selectmen -3- February 9, 2004
Council on Aging vacancies – 3 letters received and forwarded to COA for their
Recommendation; deadline for letters of interest is February 20.
Mr. Hardy requested that once the full Committee is in place a meeting be set up to discuss the procedure for appointing a new Director.
Executive Secretary Report
1. Federal Funds – letter from Sen. Lynch; notified all Departments to put together a list of
items and costs; all lists to be submitted by end of week.
Board members gave several additional items to be placed on a list
1. Sachem Rock property – handicap access, renovation, etc
2. Carver Cotton Dam – fish ladder, dam etc.
3. Town Hall Windows
4. High School Boiler
Mr. Samia will add these to the list.
2. Rails to Trails project – packet put together and will be sent to Town Counsel
Public Hearing
Mr. Greene read the public hearing notice:
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the requirements of M.G.L. Chap. 138, a Public Hearing will be held relative to the Application for a Package Store – Wine & Malt License as follows:
The T. Sikder Corporation
Dba Tedeschi’s #330
52 Bedford Street
Elizabeth C. Parveg, Manager
Premises consists of approximately 2400 sq. ft. retail space adjacent to a Pizza and Sub shop. There is one main entrance door and one rear emergency exit.
A Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, First Floor Conference Room, 175 Central Street, East Bridgewater on Monday, February 9, 2004 at 8:00 p.m.
Mr. Hardy opened Hearing at 8:00 p.m.
Present were: Richard Roth, Administrative/Training Specialist for Tedeschi’s
Elizabeth C. Parveg, proposed Manager
Mohammad Parveg
Mr. Roth spoke on behalf of the manager and company. Informed the Board that they have met with Det. Shaw; beer and wine will be kept in separate coolers located on right side of store; registers are programmed to prompt for license information when cigarettes or liquor is purchased; all employees are trained in liquor sales by company; at this time do not have a mechanism to check on license information entered by employees. Noted that as store is open until midnight, all liquor coolers will be locked at 11 p.m. Also explained that new registers will be in place within one year, which will allow for all licenses to be scanned.
Board of Selectmen -4- February 9, 2004
A discussion was held on Tedeschi’s training program for employees. It was noted that employee must pass a test prior on training.
Mr. Hardy closed hearing.
M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Package Store – Wine & Malt License for The T. Sikder Corporation dba Tedeschi’s #330, 52 Bedford Street, Elizabeth C. Parveg, Manager.
Board requested that Cumberland Farms be contacted to come in to report on actions taken to correct liquor sales concerns.
A joint meeting of the Finance Committee and the Board of Selectmen was held relative to budget presentations.
Present: Finance Committee members present were Peter Hamilton, Robert Coulter, Albert Mondeau, Eric Glaas and John Margie
Conservation Commission Budget Presentation
Claire Yokum presented the budget for the Commission. Stated that in order to level fund and include contractual salary increase the Office Supplies line was decreased.
Mr. Walsh stated that he was concerned with departments depleting supplies and expenses. Need to show impact of reduction in funding, loss of staff hours, impact on public, etc.
Mr. Greene suggested that the commission look into funding the increase in the salary from their Revolving Fund and recommended that they have Town Counsel look into whether they can use the fund.
Mr. Hardy stated that he had concerns with the Commission’s impact statement. Felt there was a need to offer more information on impact to citizens.
Mrs. Yokum noted that Sue Malloy is their only office staff; she also does on site inspections, assists with filling out paper work, etc.; would have to eliminate these things if her hours were reduced.
Board thanked Mrs. Yokum for her presentation
Mr. Hardy noted that all impact statements would be on web site tomorrow.
Planning/Building Department Budget Presentation
Robert Lundberg, Building Inspector presented the budget for the Department. Noted that he was the only non-contractual employee in the department, rest are under various contracts; only salary that could be decreased would be Building Inspector.
Mr. Greene questioned whether fees could be increased. Mr. Lundberg noted that they were increases recently. Discussed fee increases.
Board of Selectmen -5- February 9, 2004
Mr. Greene noted that the Planning Board has reduced their expenses yearly for 7 years for a 25% decrease. Mr. Lundberg noted that the department would be unable to have needed forms printed and department would be unable to issue permits, etc. if the expenses were reduced further
Mr. Hardy suggested that the Impact Statement should note that cuts in expenses would produce cuts in productivity and ability to run department.
A general discussion was held regarding reduction of staff and possible impacts to departments and public. It was noted that a possible solution would be personnel used as floaters to fill in as needed in all departments. Mr. Lundberg noted that this was tried in the “80’s and did not work, as each department’s work is specialized.
Mr. Walsh noted that salaries are the largest expense in all town departments. Possible solution would be to sit down with unions, open contracts and ask them to take a 0% increase in salaries this year instead of cut-backs in hours or personnel.
Mr. Lundberg noted that the department needs to look into purchase of a new copy machine, computers and increase in hours for the Assistant Building Inspector; also noted that with several over 55 communities being built in town, there will be increased demands on department.
A discussion was held regarding increasing fees to counter increases in salaries. Mr. Hardy suggested that they develop a contingency plan for reduction of hours for office staff and impacts to town.
Board thanked Mr. Lundberg for his presentation.
Mr. Hardy noted that the Board of Health was unable to do their presentation this evening and has asked to reschedule presentation. Noted that they have informed the Board that the increase in the Health Agents salary will be offset by a reduction in the Administrative Assistant’s salary due to her retirement.
Mr. Hardy noted that next week, meeting would be on Tuesday, presentations would be by the Town Clerk, Board of Assessors and Public Library.
Board agreed to reschedule the Board of Health to February 23 before the Treasurer/Collector presentation.
Mr. Greene requested Mr. Samia to inform all departments of discussion regarding increases in fees and request them to look into this as a means of countering increases in salary.
Open Forum
No one was present
1. Letter from Conservation Commission – final vacancy on Open Space Committee has
been filled.
2. Letter from Sen. Lynch – departments have been notified to put together a list of equipment etc.
3. Letter – Exec. Office for Adm. & Finance looking for rental space for a state agency
4. Letter SE Regional re:”Forum on Assessments” Weds. March 10, 7:00 p.m. in Cinema I
Board of Selectmen -6- February 9, 2004
5. Information regarding ”Baby Safe” Home Rule article – Mr. Hardy suggested Jan Cunningham be contacted to see if HUGS would be interested in sponsoring an article for town meeting.
M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Board of Selectmen